
Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Read for 30 minutes and complete your reading log.
Math problem solving-
1.     Amaan worked on Saturday’s cutting people’s lawns. He charged $12 to cut a lawn.  It took him approximately 2 hours to complete his work.  How many hours will he have to work to have enough money to buy a video game that costs $45? 

Complete any incomplete center work.

Monday, September 29, 2014


Daily Reading and Math

Math problem Solving-
1.     Joe’s dad gives him $1.00 to start a savings account. If Joe saves $3.00 each month, how much money will he have after one month?  Two months?  Five months?  How long will it take him to save $21.00?

Read for 30 minutes and write in your reading log.

Students if you did not finish your math center work please start working on it.

At your seat- MTB pgs 122-130 # 1-21
Super Solvers- My son is naughty
Technology- ten marks
Teacher guided-number riddles.

Friday, September 26, 2014


Reading: Read for 30minutes and write a response letter using the format given.

Math- Review rounding off to 10, 100, 1000. Test on Monday- place value and rounding off

S.Studies- Based on the legend you have read in the class and written on Edmodo rewrite it with illustration.

Test on spelling and vocabulary words.

Monday, September 29, 2014 is Picture Day, so students need not wear uniforms!

Have a great weekend. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Daily reading and math
Complete any unfinished center work.
Read for 30 minutes and log it in your log. Complete a reflection in your writing book.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Daily reading and Math activity
Read for 30 minutes and log it in your reading log

Complete your Math center work.

Complete your legend story and submit it on Edmodo.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Directions to load your document on edmodo

First type your story on Microsoft word or Google drive.
Next save the document and give it a name.
Then log onto Edmodo and click on the note bar.
Type in your title and then click on the little paper icon  next to the  paper clip icon (not the book icon)
It will open a little box and you click on where you saved your story. e.g if you saved on your desktop or Google drive or documents.
Next click on open and it will automatically download your file onto Edmodo.

I know you are learning, please feel free to write it on a piece of paper and we can type it up in class.

Enjoy reading different legends of the Native American tribes.


Daily reading and Math activity

Continue to read legends of native Americans or the Illini Americans and write about your story on .

Read for 30 minutes and  write your reflection. Your reading about the legends will be considered as a reflection of your reading.

Complete any incomplete math center work 
The following are our center activity for this week. I will be collecting your work on Monday September 29, 2014.

Math Trailblazer- pgs 85-89 #5-19
At your seat- number of the day
Problem solving-baseball season
Technology- Ten marks-

Monday, September 22, 2014


Completre the daily Reading and Math

S.Studies- Read any native American legend

Complete any incomplete Math center work

Solve using words how you solved the math problem on Edmodo

Read for 30 minutes and log it in your reading log 

Friday, September 19, 2014


Read for 30 minutes and write it in your reading log.
Write a response letter to your teacher about what you have read. Write it in the format as instructed in the class- five paragraph. Refer to the handout.

Math- complete all the asssignments on tenmarks.

Complete the vocabulary and math problem started in class.

Test on spelling and vocabulary words

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Complete the daily reading and math activities
Read for 30 minutes and log it in your reading log
S.Studies Read the articles and write facts about them.

Students who did not complete the second excercise in ten marks please complete them

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Complete the daily reading and daily math

S.Studies- Read all about the geography of Illinois and write a brief summary of what you read.

Read for 30 minutes and log your entry in the reading log.

See you in the evening at our Open House.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


S.Studies- Read the article -Scientist believed volcanoes caused a little Ice Age
Use the 321 strategy
3 things you learned
2 words you do not know
1 question you have

Read for 30 minutes and enter it in your reading log. Then share what you read and your thinking in the reading writing notebook.

Complete the daily morning reading and morning math activities

Students who did not finish explaining how they solved the math problem, please do so. Make sure for each statement you tell why you took those steps. For instance if you added tell why you added the numbers.

See you all tomorrow for the Open House at 6:00 p.m.

Monday, September 15, 2014


S.Studies- Read -Illinois in the Ice Age . Cirlce words you do not know and write those words and find its meaning. Next write what is the the article mainly talking about. and finally come up with 1 question that is in your mind.

In your S. Studies notebook write
Words I did not know-
       Write the words and its definition
This artilce is mainly about
      (Write what you think is the  main idea)
1 question I have is
   (write the question)

Reading- Read for 30 minutes and write it in the reading log.
Complete the morning reading anf math

Math- Number sense sheet.

Reminder: Open House is on Wednesday, September 17, 2014 from 6:00 p.m to 7:30 p.m

Please come to class prepared with all you pencils sharpened and your ROYAL folder organized.

Friday, September 12, 2014


Reading-Read for 30 minutes and write a letter to your teacher in the readers notebook- Make sure you follow the format given in the handout. (check your notes in the readers notebook for a sample)

Math- Problem Solving.

S.Studies. Write, draw and color (Light) about what you learned this week (Film organizer).

Spelling and Vocabulary test on Monday-
Wednesday, October 17, 2015 is Open House from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.. Please come in with your child as he/she shares the wealth of the learning environment in Room 105!

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Morning reading and morning math-
S.Studies- read both the articles and then write a brief summary on Edmodo.

Math- Balance the equation .solve the problems and show your work.

Read for 30 minutes. 

Practice for spelling and vocabulary test on Monday

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Complete the morning reading- Killer whales and Math- Week 2.
Read for 30 minutes and write about what you read in your writing notebook.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Reading- read for 30 minutes and answer questions about the Panda Bear. make sure you support your answer by showing  evidence from the paragraph.

Math- Week 1 assesment
and the worksheet interpreting mutlitiplcation as comparision.

We are learning a new strategy of explaining our thinking as we multiply by 10s to show comparision.

Science and social Studies we had a great start as students walked through the magazine navigating how it works both in print and using our online system. During Science we were able to disucss safety issues, our journal entries and the rubric for which they will be graded.

Monday, September 8, 2014


Math: Solve the math problems in your notebook
Reading- read for 30 minutes and log it in your reading log

e.g. Math

5 hundreds  x 10 = _______ones

This is how you could  solve

5 hundreds in standard form= 500 so
500 x 10= 5000
since ones have no zeros it has 5000 ones
hundreds have 2 zeros so I can take off 2 zeros or divide by 100 = 50 hundreds
thousands have 3 zeros so I can take off 3 zeros or divide by 1000= 5 thousands
tens has 1 zero so I can take off 1 zero or divide by 10 - 500 tens


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Welcome Back

I am so excited to be your child's classroom teacher. It was a delight to meet each one of them. We had a perfect attendance in class! That tells me how sincere and eager you are to school. I look forward to meet with all the parents along with your child on our Open House which is on September 17 2014. More details will follow alongwith an invitation.

I have sent home many forms to be completed and signed. Please take time to complete and send them back with your child.

This week since I am getting to know the students there will be no homework!

Have a great day!