
Friday, February 27, 2015


Read the articles -"Just Like Home" and "Life doesn't frighten me" and answer questions.

Math: Tenmarks

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Re read Titanic Treasure (from your gmail) and answer the open ended question:
Do you think it would have been better to leave the artifacts at the bottom of the ocean or collect them from museums? Why or why not?  
Do you think Robert Ballard would have been successful if he had attempted to find Titanic fifty years earlier? Why or Why not? Use evidences from the text to support your answer.

Math: the open ended problem and decimal rounding off

Work on compass learning and thinkthroughmath.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


S.Studies :read the article from week 15 about Doctor Anna Pierce and describe in detail about her and  what contribution did she make to the society and how? You may  add details using resources from the web.

Math: Fraction word problem and decimal sheet.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Reading: Reread the article and answer the question -What caused the Titanic to sink? What new rules were put into effect based on the lesson learned from the sinking of the Titanic? Use evidences from the text to support your answers.

Fill in the graphic organizer -Sequencing events that led to sinking of the titanic

Math: working on decimals

Work on compass learning reading and thinkthroughmath.

Read for 30 minutes.

Parents please join in tomorrow at the school auditorium for a very informational meeting about school and immigration. The meeting  will begin promptly at 8;15. Refreshments will be provided.

Monday, February 23, 2015


Reading/writing journal entry

Math:fraction word problems. Show your work and explain your thinking.

Read :Titanic: lost and found and use the graphic organizer to show your understanding. In class we will take a quiz using the organizer. Hence it is imperative that you add the important details.

Work on compass learning reading and math.

Friday, February 20, 2015


Read the article: Webpage; Stuffed celery sticks and Why Mr. Snake cannot wink. Then answer the questions

Math;Review fractions

Work on your goal for MAP

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Reading writing response journal entry after reading for 30 minutes

Math- word problems Show your work  and label your answers.

Reading- read the passage and complete the questions pertaining to it.

Work on compass learning/thinkthroughmath/khan academy

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Reading/writing response journal entry . Read for 30 minutes and write using the calendar (uploaded on Edmodo if you have lost it)  REMEMBER 5-6 sentences is a MUST!!!.

Math: complete any incomplete classwork . Work on thinkthroughmath to reach your goal of 30 completed lesson successfully

S.Studies- complete classwork (organizer)- Pioneer life week 16

Complete the classwork. Read the story and answer the questions.Remeber the open ended question is worth 10 points. So add in details and evidence from the text.

Friday, February 13, 2015


Reading response letter. make sure each paragraph has 5-6 sentences.

Math- Fraction review packet.

Work on your MAP Goal- compass learning/thinkthroughmath/ khan academy.

Sign your goal sheets and complete question 12 with your parents for both reading and math.

Students that have not yet turned in their compare and contrast essays, please complete it and share it with me.

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Read to the story and answer questions . Make sure you show me where you found your answer  by highlighting or underline the sentences in the story. (evidence to support your answers from the text)

Math- fraction review

Science- For those of you who have not yet completed their classwork make sure you summarize what we read in class today. It is on edmodo inside the folders- Click on Science and you will see Magnetic and Electricity read aloud folder. Read the story we read in class and complete the summary.

Work on thinkthroughmath/compass learning.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Reading/writing response journal

Write your first draft about the topic you are comparing. you should have at least 6 sentences about the facts that are same and 4-5 sentences about facts that are different on the topic you chose to compare and contrast.
Make sure you complete the first draft at home as we will be discussing it in class with your peers.

Math- fraction review.

S.Studies -Review of week 15. Complete the assigned sheet to review what we learned. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Reading/writing response journal.

Read all about your compare and contrast  topic and find 5-7 topics that are different.

Math- Complete the fractions review and ten marks.

Monday, February 9, 2015


Reading- read facts about the topic you chose in class to compare and contrast and write at least 5-8 facts about your topic.

Math- order fractions

Make sure you make the denominator the same and then figure out which is the smallest fraction and so on.

Science- Write using words and illustration how you got the light bulb lit up using two wires Make sure you are  using vocabulary words- pathway, electricity, positive, negative, flow, source, receiver

In the second paragraph write how you got the bulb to lit up using one wire. Use the science vocabulary words introduced in the class.

Work on you MAP Goal!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2015


Reader's response letter due on Monday, February 9, 2015

Math: Review fractions . Complete the class work for those who  did not complete it due to the assembly.

Work on your reading and math goal activities.

Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Reading: reading/writing response journal with at least 5-6 sentences

Math: Ten Marks

S.Studies- Read the remaining articles and create questions. be prepared for pop quiz tomorrow. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Reading/writing response journal.
Make sure you pick a nonfiction text to go along with your writing. Your paragraph should have 5-6 COMPLETE and Complex sentences.

Math: Ten marks

Read for 30 minutes and work on activities from the blog

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Reading/writing response journal

What did you read today? Write the name and its author. Next write a paragraph stating the main idea and its supporting details (at least 3 details) Explain how the details supported the main idea using facts from the text.
You may use the Social Studies article from week 15 which we did in class.

Math- Ten Marks comparing fractions

Science-Complete any incomplete journal entries in your science notebook.

S.Studies - Read the article and create questions from both article