
Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Reading: Compass learning 1 hour daily logged in and Friday reponse letter due on Monday

Math- 30 minutes everyday.(Ten marks problems are assigned so PLEASE do not finish in one sitting!!!!!! Take your time and show your work. They will go into your gradebook!!!

S.Studies- Complete the state project.
State seal
State flag

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving !!!!

Monday, November 24, 2014


Reading: work on your reading/writing calendar journal entry

Math: word problem. make sure you show your work and label it.

S.Studies- make sure you complete the following :
 history, geography and the industry  of your state.
State flag
State Seal
Maps- physical and climate

Work on your daily reading log- compass learning/ thinkthroughmath/khan academy

Friday, November 21, 2014


Readers response journal. Make sure you explain to me how your character  (Trisha )  or another character from your own book changed throughout the story, their traits, feelings. and an inference you made.

Read -Thank you Mr. Falker
and answer the questions and open ended response question

Math- tenmarks- area and perimeter. Show your work in Math notebook

S.Studies- work on finding about the following information about your state.
Write about the natural resources
products of your state(crops, mining, industries)

You may also add pictures after writing about it.

Compass learning/ think through math/ khan academy

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Reading/writing response calendar

S.Studies- complete the geography of your state.

Daily reading.math log due tomorrow!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Wear your Volta T-shirt for our field trip tomorrow to the Field Museum and bring lunch in a bag

Reading/writing calendar
Read the story L-18 Hewitt Anderson's great big life and answer the questions in complete sentences

Math- Word problems on are and perimeter

S.Studies- History of your state-
Who were the first explorers?
The native American tribe tat settled in your state at first-the pioneers
Any famous people from your state and anything else besides that is interesting.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Complete the reading/writing calendar journal entry
Math- word problems
S.Studies- Facts at a glance and your state seal with what each symbol stands for.

Compass learning/khan academy/thinkthroughmath. Spending  30 minutes daily on these activities will help you reach your goal.

Monday, November 17, 2014


Read Kai's journey to the Gold Mountain and answer the questions. make inferences and validate it as your you are thinking with details from the story.

Complete your reading/writing calendar entry.

Math- Word problems

We will be going over the area and perimeter of missing sides.

Complete your readinglog- compass learning/thinkthroughmath/khan academy

Friday, November 14, 2014


Complete all the incomplete classwork-Junkyard Wonders- assessment and traits organizer

Math- area and perimeter

Complete the reading log and math log.

Response letters due on Monday. Make sure you include our focus this week- our character, his /her actions/ traits/ feelings/ what they say and make inferences.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Read the Junkyardwonders by Patriccia Polacco. here is the link for those who want to read it from you tube.

Write the answers in complete sentences.

and use it for the reading writing calendar too.

Math- find the area and perimeter

Work on Compass learning/thinkthroughmath/khan academy for 30 minutes..

Monday, November 10, 2014


Reading and writing calendar activity
Math- word problem on area and perimeter
Reading- Echoing Green- analyzing structural elements

Complete the Math word problem-Area and Perimeter.

Log in your compass learning/thinkthroughmath/khan academy/xtramath

Tuesday-No School -Veteran's Day

Wednesday-No school-Report Card pick up
Students should come with their parents to pick the report card.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Reading writing calendar entry
Daily Math
reading log/ math compass learning/khan academy

Reading response letter
Math problem solving
The Golden Peanut reading take home test

reading log/ math compass learning/khan academy

Have a great time and see you all on Monday!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Daily reading/writing calendar activity
Math- finding the missing length or width when given the area.

Students make sure you long on to compass learning/ thinkthroughmath/khan academy daily.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Complete the daily reading/writing and Math -16 assessment

Work on your reading log and math log/xtramath

Finding interesting facts about Illinois and share on Edmodo!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2014


Complete the daily reading and writing from the monthly calendar

Math daily work for those who completed the final draft of their writing

Students turn in your final narrative writing using the checklist and the rubric.

Parents please check in the report card pick up timings letter and send them back signed with changes as needed. As stated I will try to accommodate you to the best, but if that is not possible you MUST pick it up on the same day-November 12, 2014 at your convenience. We can set up a conference another day if you wish to discuss your child's academic needs.

Daily reading and math log.