
Thursday, December 18, 2014


The math Geometric Town completed with all specification given and COLORED!!!!!
Reading writing calendar journal DUE!!!

Empty your backpacks and bring in your treats, reading writing notebook, and poster!!!!!

Make sure you bring in your reading writing notebook and completed math posters!!!!!!

All winter break assignments forms- reading and math log, S.Studies magazines, S.studies worksheet,  are posted on Edmodo, a copy sent to your email, and your parent(If provided with email address)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Reading/writing calendar journal activity . They will be collected tomorrow for grading

Math- Tenmarks and complete the Geometric Town (Only the first part-streets, avenue and road)

S.studies- The State project should be completed and will be printed tomorrow for grading!!!!

reading/math log shall be collected tomorrow .

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Reading/writing calendar journal activity- use the social studies or science article

Summarize the science article: Forensics: Solving Crimes using the chemical tests in less than 25 words. Remember it should have the important details in your own words.
The article is downloaded onto the Edmodo folder under science texts

Social studies work on question 1 to 5 from the week 9/10 articles

Math: work on tenmarks
Work on your daily log-reading and math.
parents please sign up on think throughmath at the following link:

Thank you

Monday, December 15, 2014


Reading/writing calendar activity: restate the question and then begin writing.

Math-tenmarks- measuring angles using protractor

S.Studies: Revise the introduction, state seal and facts at a glance. make sure it is in your own words and has at least 5-7 sentences

Read--On top of the world and answer in complete sentences by restating the question

Complete the daily log.

Friday, December 12, 2014


Complete  compass learning -reading and math.
Work on thinkthroughmath/khan academy.

Complete your State Project.Make sure you include all of the following in a paragraph (at least 5-7 sentences in your own words):

State flag
State seal

Facts at a glance should be the only thing in a table format.

You should have your maps all completed and colored. Check the rubric to make sure you have given it the best!!!!

Parents, I have given them the winter break assignment paper. Please read it and email me if you have any questions.Sign them and send the paper back with your child.

Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Reading/writing journal-nonfiction
Math- measuring angles

Complete the in class ten marks for those few students who needed to re do them as you got less than 80 %

S.Studies State project completed in your own words.

Reading/math log due tomorrow!!!!.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Reading/writing journal entry-nonfiction
Math review what we learned in class. Complete the sheet
S.Studies- work on questions #  1 to 8

Work on compass learning/thinkthroughmath/khan academy

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Reading/writing journal calendar activity.- nonfiction

Math- review of  triangles and measuring angles

S.Studies - Read the third article and create questions based on it- week 9 -10

Compass learning/ math log. Parents please make sure your child is working on it.

Parents, you may log in on the following link to check your child's work on think through math

Thank you.

Monday, December 8, 2014


Reading/writing calendar journal entry. use a nonfiction book

Math: geometry- All about lines. (front and back side please)!

S.Studies: Read the first two article from week 10 and create questions in the discussion cards.

Work on reading log-compass learning and math log- khan academy/ thinkthroughmath

Please bring  protractors to class

Saturday, December 6, 2014


Could you all please bring your protractor as we are going to begin our Geometry Unit in Math?

Friday, December 5, 2014


Reading response letter due on Monday- five paragraphs.

Details of the book- Title, author and genre and its reason
Summary. Make sure you share your thinking as you were reading the book.
Character traits and evidence; Character's feeling and evidence
Inference you made and the evidence from the text as you read the book.
Recommendations or questions you had while reading the book.

Math: write the factors for numbers 1 to 100

Complete the reading/math logs. for the weekend.

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Reading: Complete the reading -writing calendar journal entry
Math: ten marks
Share what you read in your nonfiction book using at least 10-12 sentences on Edmodo (10 points)
No copying and pasting. Use your own words to summarize the facts learned.

Read Caribou and create your own questions and bring it to class to discuss with the class.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Reading: Read  :Tastes and Smells are chemistry, too!!
Complete the daily reading writing journal entry based on this article.

Science: Summarize what you read in the science article: tastes and smells are chemistry too. Make sure you add all the important facts and details.

Math: TenMarks

Compass learning

The article is posted in the Science texts and  attached in your email !!!
Have fun !

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Sample math


A.    Solve the following using the  place value

957  :-  5
754  :-  8
872  :-  7
269  :-  4
685  :-  6

e.g. 234   : 5 =

So here is how you solve it.
First create a place value chart

hundreds   tens      ones
2                  3          4

Next see can you make 5 groups of 2 hundreds -No
so you re-group the 2 hundreds as 20 tens. So now we have 23 tens.
Can we groups them in group in 5 equal groups. Yes
we can have 4 tens in each groups and I have 3 tens remaining.

So now I have  3 tens and 4 ones which makes it 34 ones.
Can I group them in 5 groups. Yes
I will have 6 ones in each and 4 remaining.

So my answer is 4 tens and 6 ones and 4 remaining
which means I have 46 and 4 remainder

B.        Solve the word problems and label your answers.

C.         S. Studies solve # 6,7 and 8 from week 8 articles. Make sure you show me where you found these answers from (Name of the article)

D.          Reading:  Clara Barton:Angel of Battlefield. Create questions in your reading writing notebook!!! and complete your daily journal (Calendar) based on this story.I have uploaded the tetx in your email and on Edmodo.

E.           Complete your daily log- compass learning/khan academy/thinkthroughmath 

Monday, December 1, 2014


Read Ricardo's dilemma and answer the discussion question on Edmodo.

Math: Solve the following math problems using expanded form. Show your work
582  X  6=
472  X  5 =
645  X  6 =
57    X  86 =
45   X  23 =
815   X  25 =
28  X  29 =
389  X  4 =
24  X  32 =
253  X  54 =

e.g. 745  X 23  =
 700  X  20 =   14000
 700  X    3  =    2100
  40   X  20  =      800
  40   X    3  =      120
    5   X  20  =      100
    5   X    3  =        15

S.Studies: Read week 8 and answer questions 1 to 5 ONLY!!!!. Show me where you found your answers and state the name of the article on the worksheet.

Science: Complete the class work- Summarize the article and underline all the new vocabulary words

The S.Studies worksheet (S.Studies week 8) the story-Ricardo's dilemma (Reading Texts) and Science article (Science-chemistry) are downloaded on Edmodo.

Complete your reading and math log. Parents make sure you sign them.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Reading: Compass learning 1 hour daily logged in and Friday reponse letter due on Monday

Math- 30 minutes everyday.(Ten marks problems are assigned so PLEASE do not finish in one sitting!!!!!! Take your time and show your work. They will go into your gradebook!!!

S.Studies- Complete the state project.
State seal
State flag

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving !!!!

Monday, November 24, 2014


Reading: work on your reading/writing calendar journal entry

Math: word problem. make sure you show your work and label it.

S.Studies- make sure you complete the following :
 history, geography and the industry  of your state.
State flag
State Seal
Maps- physical and climate

Work on your daily reading log- compass learning/ thinkthroughmath/khan academy

Friday, November 21, 2014


Readers response journal. Make sure you explain to me how your character  (Trisha )  or another character from your own book changed throughout the story, their traits, feelings. and an inference you made.

Read -Thank you Mr. Falker
and answer the questions and open ended response question

Math- tenmarks- area and perimeter. Show your work in Math notebook

S.Studies- work on finding about the following information about your state.
Write about the natural resources
products of your state(crops, mining, industries)

You may also add pictures after writing about it.

Compass learning/ think through math/ khan academy

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Reading/writing response calendar

S.Studies- complete the geography of your state.

Daily reading.math log due tomorrow!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Wear your Volta T-shirt for our field trip tomorrow to the Field Museum and bring lunch in a bag

Reading/writing calendar
Read the story L-18 Hewitt Anderson's great big life and answer the questions in complete sentences

Math- Word problems on are and perimeter

S.Studies- History of your state-
Who were the first explorers?
The native American tribe tat settled in your state at first-the pioneers
Any famous people from your state and anything else besides that is interesting.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Complete the reading/writing calendar journal entry
Math- word problems
S.Studies- Facts at a glance and your state seal with what each symbol stands for.

Compass learning/khan academy/thinkthroughmath. Spending  30 minutes daily on these activities will help you reach your goal.

Monday, November 17, 2014


Read Kai's journey to the Gold Mountain and answer the questions. make inferences and validate it as your you are thinking with details from the story.

Complete your reading/writing calendar entry.

Math- Word problems

We will be going over the area and perimeter of missing sides.

Complete your readinglog- compass learning/thinkthroughmath/khan academy

Friday, November 14, 2014


Complete all the incomplete classwork-Junkyard Wonders- assessment and traits organizer

Math- area and perimeter

Complete the reading log and math log.

Response letters due on Monday. Make sure you include our focus this week- our character, his /her actions/ traits/ feelings/ what they say and make inferences.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Read the Junkyardwonders by Patriccia Polacco. here is the link for those who want to read it from you tube.

Write the answers in complete sentences.

and use it for the reading writing calendar too.

Math- find the area and perimeter

Work on Compass learning/thinkthroughmath/khan academy for 30 minutes..

Monday, November 10, 2014


Reading and writing calendar activity
Math- word problem on area and perimeter
Reading- Echoing Green- analyzing structural elements

Complete the Math word problem-Area and Perimeter.

Log in your compass learning/thinkthroughmath/khan academy/xtramath

Tuesday-No School -Veteran's Day

Wednesday-No school-Report Card pick up
Students should come with their parents to pick the report card.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Reading writing calendar entry
Daily Math
reading log/ math compass learning/khan academy

Reading response letter
Math problem solving
The Golden Peanut reading take home test

reading log/ math compass learning/khan academy

Have a great time and see you all on Monday!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Daily reading/writing calendar activity
Math- finding the missing length or width when given the area.

Students make sure you long on to compass learning/ thinkthroughmath/khan academy daily.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Complete the daily reading/writing and Math -16 assessment

Work on your reading log and math log/xtramath

Finding interesting facts about Illinois and share on Edmodo!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2014


Complete the daily reading and writing from the monthly calendar

Math daily work for those who completed the final draft of their writing

Students turn in your final narrative writing using the checklist and the rubric.

Parents please check in the report card pick up timings letter and send them back signed with changes as needed. As stated I will try to accommodate you to the best, but if that is not possible you MUST pick it up on the same day-November 12, 2014 at your convenience. We can set up a conference another day if you wish to discuss your child's academic needs.

Daily reading and math log.

Friday, October 31, 2014


Reading -reponse letter due on Monday.

Math complete all unfinished center work

Reading log and Math log due.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Complete daily reading/writing and math work

Write your second draft neatly using at least 4 or 5 paragraphs in your  narrative story. Please rectify all the mistakes we looked up in class.
For those of you who had to add in details to your story and indent your paragraphs please make sure you do so. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Complete daily reading/ writing and Math

Students sit with an adult or an older sibling and read aloud your essay to them. Make changes accordingly and add/delete details as necessary.

You may work on your writing response now if you think you cannot work over the weekend.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Daily reading/writing and math sheet

Complete your second draft of your narrative writing. make sure you have paragraphs, correct capitalization, punctuation, lots of dialogues, and interesting describing words. It should have all the components-plot, (events) problem and solution.  It should be INTERESTING!!!!!! to read. Remember you all are great writers because you have lots to tell me everyday!!!!

Complete Math TB- pg 131-134

Tomorrow we will be wearing the Volta T-Shirt backward.

Monday, October 27, 2014


Daily reading/writing and complete math centers

Work on your reading log.
and math activities

Math TB pg 131-134
Ten marks
problem solving-NIntendo
Teacher guided-Can you align me

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Response letter and compass learning/thinkthroughmath/khan academy.

Monday is pyjama day! So you can dress in your pyjamas, no uniform needed!

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Complete daily reading writing using the given calendar and math.

Work on the reading log. The logs will be  collected on Monday, October 27, 2014.

A Very Happy Diwali and a Happy New Year to all the Hindu students celebrating the festival!


Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Complete daily reading/writing and math activities.

Work on compass learning/thinkthroughmath/khan academy.

These are activities that you can work at your own pace and be responsible enough to work on them so that you can attain your goal. Remember the conference we had in class and what we talked about. We all work and learn differently, hence we need to organize ourselves and work accordingly, TO BE A SHINING STAR!!!!!

Check out thinglink and add to your words list. Our competition begins today and ends on November 22, 2014.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Morning readiing/writing and math

Complete S. Studies article 1 and 2 of week 5

Vocabulary for those that did not finish.

Monday, October 20, 2014


Reading/writing and daily math
Complete your log and work on compass learning/ thinkthrough math.


Friday, October 17, 2014


Complete the response letter and any unfinished classwork

Weekly newsletter- go to and complete the newsletter based on what you have learned or accomplished this

Compass Learning/ reading log/thinkthrough math
S. Studies- read all about tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods and  write a fact, question and anything else related to  these. S.S. week 4

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Daily reading/writing(calendar) and math activity

Compass learning/xtramath
Complete your math center work.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Complete morning reading and daily math -week 11 assessment.
Read for 30 minutes and work on compass learning if you have not yet started on it.

Math center class work

MTB pg pg 169 # 1-13
problem solving- What is my number
ten marks
Who am I

We just got a free new math program- thinkthroughmath .

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Complete daily math and reading calendar.

Read for 30 minutes and log it. Work on compass learnin if you did not get a chance to work on it during the long weekend.

Math center activities

Friday, October 10, 2014


Read for 30 minutes and complete the response letter

Math- Complete the word problems

Writing- complete the outline of your story

Complete any incomplete Math center work.

Spelling and vocabulary test for L-6 on Tuesday.

Having an amazing weeekend!


Thursday, October 9, 2014


Daily Math. Please log into edmodo and work on week 10 assessment.
Read for 30 minutes and work on the calendar to do your reflections

S.Studies Read all about packrats and write about it.

Compass learning.

Awesome Students do an awesome job!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Complete daily math work
Read for 30 minutes and write about your reading based on the calendar.
Complete the reading log and compass learning

Finish your math center work.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Read for 30 minutes and write a reflection using the calendar given in your reading/writing notebook.

Math :Daily work

Complete the center work.

This week as we are completing a science lab which has two folds and takes a longer time, all the students will be working on the same activity. So today the students worked on tenmarks (Technology center). Please make sure your child complete all the assigned activities.I have assigned them activities based on their level, so all students are not on the same page.

Tomorrow we will be working on Math Trailblazer (At your seat).They will be learning to understand weather and calculate temperature.

Complete your reading log and compass learning.

Monday, October 6, 2014


Complete daily math work
Read for 30 minutes and write your reflection. Use the calendar and look what your focus should be on your reading today.
Fill in your reading log and compass learning log

Complete all incomplete center work!!!

Friday, October 3, 2014


Complete the morning reading and math.
Read for 30 minutes and write a response letter. make sure you share your thinking with me in paragraph 2.I will attach the sample in edmodo.

Math Complete all your center work as we will be reviewing thme in the class for grades.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Today onwards we will be learning different strategies in the classroom. So I want you to begin using those strategiess in your independent reading at home too!
Read for 30 minutes and write what got you curious as you were reading.
Make sure you mention the name of the book and tell me what got you curious and what happened in the story or the nonfiction book that got you thinking about it.

Math Problem solving:
1.     A cookie factory can bake 62 trays of cookies in the morning and 53 trays of cookies in the afternoon. If each tray holds 12 cookies, how many cookies can be baked in 1 day? If the cookie factory is closed every weekend, how many cookies can be baked in one week?

Complete any unfinished center work!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Daily Reading and Math
Math problem:
1.     The library charges a late fee of 20 ¢ a day for books that are overdue.  If Aisha owes $1.20cents, how many days overdue is her book?  How much will she owe if she keeps it for 2 more days?  Could you have solved this problem a different way?  Explain.

S.Studies- Complete the assignment on Edmodo.-Article on Skpye 

Complete your unfinished center work

Read for 30 minutes and log it in your reading log.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Read for 30 minutes and complete your reading log.
Math problem solving-
1.     Amaan worked on Saturday’s cutting people’s lawns. He charged $12 to cut a lawn.  It took him approximately 2 hours to complete his work.  How many hours will he have to work to have enough money to buy a video game that costs $45? 

Complete any incomplete center work.

Monday, September 29, 2014


Daily Reading and Math

Math problem Solving-
1.     Joe’s dad gives him $1.00 to start a savings account. If Joe saves $3.00 each month, how much money will he have after one month?  Two months?  Five months?  How long will it take him to save $21.00?

Read for 30 minutes and write in your reading log.

Students if you did not finish your math center work please start working on it.

At your seat- MTB pgs 122-130 # 1-21
Super Solvers- My son is naughty
Technology- ten marks
Teacher guided-number riddles.

Friday, September 26, 2014


Reading: Read for 30minutes and write a response letter using the format given.

Math- Review rounding off to 10, 100, 1000. Test on Monday- place value and rounding off

S.Studies- Based on the legend you have read in the class and written on Edmodo rewrite it with illustration.

Test on spelling and vocabulary words.

Monday, September 29, 2014 is Picture Day, so students need not wear uniforms!

Have a great weekend. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Daily reading and math
Complete any unfinished center work.
Read for 30 minutes and log it in your log. Complete a reflection in your writing book.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Daily reading and Math activity
Read for 30 minutes and log it in your reading log

Complete your Math center work.

Complete your legend story and submit it on Edmodo.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Directions to load your document on edmodo

First type your story on Microsoft word or Google drive.
Next save the document and give it a name.
Then log onto Edmodo and click on the note bar.
Type in your title and then click on the little paper icon  next to the  paper clip icon (not the book icon)
It will open a little box and you click on where you saved your story. e.g if you saved on your desktop or Google drive or documents.
Next click on open and it will automatically download your file onto Edmodo.

I know you are learning, please feel free to write it on a piece of paper and we can type it up in class.

Enjoy reading different legends of the Native American tribes.


Daily reading and Math activity

Continue to read legends of native Americans or the Illini Americans and write about your story on .

Read for 30 minutes and  write your reflection. Your reading about the legends will be considered as a reflection of your reading.

Complete any incomplete math center work 
The following are our center activity for this week. I will be collecting your work on Monday September 29, 2014.

Math Trailblazer- pgs 85-89 #5-19
At your seat- number of the day
Problem solving-baseball season
Technology- Ten marks-

Monday, September 22, 2014


Completre the daily Reading and Math

S.Studies- Read any native American legend

Complete any incomplete Math center work

Solve using words how you solved the math problem on Edmodo

Read for 30 minutes and log it in your reading log 

Friday, September 19, 2014


Read for 30 minutes and write it in your reading log.
Write a response letter to your teacher about what you have read. Write it in the format as instructed in the class- five paragraph. Refer to the handout.

Math- complete all the asssignments on tenmarks.

Complete the vocabulary and math problem started in class.

Test on spelling and vocabulary words

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Complete the daily reading and math activities
Read for 30 minutes and log it in your reading log
S.Studies Read the articles and write facts about them.

Students who did not complete the second excercise in ten marks please complete them

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Complete the daily reading and daily math

S.Studies- Read all about the geography of Illinois and write a brief summary of what you read.

Read for 30 minutes and log your entry in the reading log.

See you in the evening at our Open House.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


S.Studies- Read the article -Scientist believed volcanoes caused a little Ice Age
Use the 321 strategy
3 things you learned
2 words you do not know
1 question you have

Read for 30 minutes and enter it in your reading log. Then share what you read and your thinking in the reading writing notebook.

Complete the daily morning reading and morning math activities

Students who did not finish explaining how they solved the math problem, please do so. Make sure for each statement you tell why you took those steps. For instance if you added tell why you added the numbers.

See you all tomorrow for the Open House at 6:00 p.m.

Monday, September 15, 2014


S.Studies- Read -Illinois in the Ice Age . Cirlce words you do not know and write those words and find its meaning. Next write what is the the article mainly talking about. and finally come up with 1 question that is in your mind.

In your S. Studies notebook write
Words I did not know-
       Write the words and its definition
This artilce is mainly about
      (Write what you think is the  main idea)
1 question I have is
   (write the question)

Reading- Read for 30 minutes and write it in the reading log.
Complete the morning reading anf math

Math- Number sense sheet.

Reminder: Open House is on Wednesday, September 17, 2014 from 6:00 p.m to 7:30 p.m

Please come to class prepared with all you pencils sharpened and your ROYAL folder organized.

Friday, September 12, 2014


Reading-Read for 30 minutes and write a letter to your teacher in the readers notebook- Make sure you follow the format given in the handout. (check your notes in the readers notebook for a sample)

Math- Problem Solving.

S.Studies. Write, draw and color (Light) about what you learned this week (Film organizer).

Spelling and Vocabulary test on Monday-
Wednesday, October 17, 2015 is Open House from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.. Please come in with your child as he/she shares the wealth of the learning environment in Room 105!

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Morning reading and morning math-
S.Studies- read both the articles and then write a brief summary on Edmodo.

Math- Balance the equation .solve the problems and show your work.

Read for 30 minutes. 

Practice for spelling and vocabulary test on Monday

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Complete the morning reading- Killer whales and Math- Week 2.
Read for 30 minutes and write about what you read in your writing notebook.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Reading- read for 30 minutes and answer questions about the Panda Bear. make sure you support your answer by showing  evidence from the paragraph.

Math- Week 1 assesment
and the worksheet interpreting mutlitiplcation as comparision.

We are learning a new strategy of explaining our thinking as we multiply by 10s to show comparision.

Science and social Studies we had a great start as students walked through the magazine navigating how it works both in print and using our online system. During Science we were able to disucss safety issues, our journal entries and the rubric for which they will be graded.

Monday, September 8, 2014


Math: Solve the math problems in your notebook
Reading- read for 30 minutes and log it in your reading log

e.g. Math

5 hundreds  x 10 = _______ones

This is how you could  solve

5 hundreds in standard form= 500 so
500 x 10= 5000
since ones have no zeros it has 5000 ones
hundreds have 2 zeros so I can take off 2 zeros or divide by 100 = 50 hundreds
thousands have 3 zeros so I can take off 3 zeros or divide by 1000= 5 thousands
tens has 1 zero so I can take off 1 zero or divide by 10 - 500 tens


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Welcome Back

I am so excited to be your child's classroom teacher. It was a delight to meet each one of them. We had a perfect attendance in class! That tells me how sincere and eager you are to school. I look forward to meet with all the parents along with your child on our Open House which is on September 17 2014. More details will follow alongwith an invitation.

I have sent home many forms to be completed and signed. Please take time to complete and send them back with your child.

This week since I am getting to know the students there will be no homework!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Tomorrow is our final Math test! We will be done with all the assessments so students utilize your time to review what we have learned in class and come out with flying colors.
Next week - Celebrations !!!-

Monday, May 19, 2014


Math: complete the practice problems.
S.Studies: Highlight the important details and complete the crossword puzzle.

Math test on Thursday! Work hard to meet your goal!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


We justr completed the Reading Final MAP test. Congratulations to all the students who met thier goal, and students who showed growth can still work harder.

Math test will be on Thursday, we have ample time to cover other concepts.
Complete your math sheets.

Monday, May 12, 2014


Tomoorrow reading test. this is your final test, so do your best and sleep well.
Math worksheet

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Reading: The first four of part 11 from edmodo-morning reading.
Math worksheet
MAP Reading on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 at 9:45 a.m

Monday, May 5, 2014


Reading: The next four reading fro part 10 morning reading. make sure you know where you found your answers.

Check out ther links from the blog under integrated link and work on reading and math activities.
field trip permission slip signed 

Friday, May 2, 2014


Reading- Edmodo morning reading part-10 the first four stories
Math- word problems
center activities
Practice for MAP  Testing
Reading test on May 13 and Math test is on May 20.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Complete problems 1 to5 in Math
Work on the reading comprehension
Make sure students, that you log in to Khan academy, compass learning or the blog to work on your required skills to meet your reading and math goal for MAP testing.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Math-center activity and decimal, fraction, percentage sheet
Reading- work on the integrated  links in the class blog.
Bring in your spring break compass learning log

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Morning work- Alaska becomes a state and week 35 assessment
reading- Character analysis
Math decimal word problems

Friday, April 4, 2014


Morning meeting- reading and math
Math- packet percentage problems
Write on edmodo what you have learned in compass learning reading and Math or  Khan academy for 20 points 

Monday reportcard pick up No school. Please join your parents to pick your report card. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Morning meeting for reading and math
Compass learning/Khan academy
Math problem solving
Complete all center activities for reading and math to be graded for the weekend for report card.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Morning meeting- reading and math
Math- decimals adding, subtracting, and multiplying decimals

Science handouts- Museum handouts
Reading- finish defining the charcater traits and using them in sentences. 

Friday, March 28, 2014


Reading: morning work- reading and math
compass learning- work on it and  write on edmodo what you have learned in Reading and Math
Math test on decimals and complete the review packet

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Read the article about the Indian man who planted a forest and use the questioning strategy to show your thinking. You should have all four types of questions- right there, think and search, author and me and on my own. Write it on a piece of paper with the codes.

Math- review of decimals. Test on Friday
Morning meeting- Reading- amount of homework
                            Math- week 32

compass learning 

Monday, March 24, 2014


Math- decimal
Complete center activity- reading and math.
Science- write a summary on what you read  about Benjamin Franklin and static electricity.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Math rounding decimals to whole, tenth and hundredths sheet.
Complete your center activities.
Compass learning- write what you learned with an example on edmodo

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Morning  work- Computer virus and week 30 in math
Math ordering decimals and  grocery word problems.
compass learning.

Monday, March 17, 2014


Math: decimal. Write in fractions and in decimals.

reading: Compass learning
Complete your activities from your centers

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Great job students!
We are all done with ISAT testing for reading, math, and science.
We will have MAP NWEA test coming up. That is going to be our focus!!!
Reach for your goal! Infact our class motto is Go Beyond!!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Write a brief summary of what you learned in Science on Edmodo and share with the class. math problem solving and Compass learning -Math.
ISAT Math-2

Thursday, March 6, 2014


We are done with our ISAT reading test. Tomorrow we will have ISAT- Math session-1.There are 40 multiple choice questions and students will have 55 minutes to complete them. They will be allowed to use calculators!
They may use the math practice 2 to get acquainted with math concepts learned so far.
Compass learning Math and morning meeting

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


ISAT reading-3 tomorrow!
practice reading 5 and  math geometry missing angles sheet and morning math only!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Morning meeting, reading practice-4 and line plots
Tomorrow ISAT reading-2  

Monday, February 24, 2014


Morning meeting for Reading and Math. Work on Compass learning and share what you have learned to your peers in Room 105 with your own example. 

Monday, February 17, 2014


Morning meeting, center work, correction on your weekend homework and introduction to the Illinois Research Project. Compass learning. 

Friday, February 14, 2014


Morning Meeting:
Reading and Math Practice test . the link is on Edmodo
Science- Research on an alternative source of energy.
Compass learning.
ISAT Test schedule attached

Monday, February 10, 2014


Complete morning work for both Reading and Math.
Math- order fractions on a number line. You may use pictures to help you figure out the order
Science: Watch studyjams and write a brief summary the rocks
Read a book and write about how your character feels. make sure you cite evidence from your story to support your statement

Monday, February 3, 2014


We are in the transition mode moving on to Edmodo. All of your homework is on edmodo. Please check on it and send me feedback as to how conformable you are using it by posting online.
I am truly excited as we can make our blog more meaningful.
I have added what you have learned in Science in your folders. Please use them before creating your studyguides

Saturday, February 1, 2014


I just registered on to Edmodo. It is a great tool to connect with students. This would be more interactive as well as it would enable me as well as Ms Bijal to upload documents we use in the class. This way you may refer to them if you need extra help.
Please click on the right on edmodo.
Next group code- mpwrpu
student name- first and last name
password- volta

If you cannot register it is fine, we will register together in class on Monday.

Friday, January 31, 2014


Reading; Students will analyze a poem, summarize it and find the big idea/ theme.
Math- Comparing fractions and xtramath.
S.Studies- students will pick a website on the blog and check its reliability using the organizer given.

Compass learning. Make sure you log off after you finish working on it. Work on it every day for at least 20 minutes.

Have a great weekend

Websites to Check Reliability

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Reading- read and answer question about praying mantis and week 19 in Math. Complete an activity ifrom compass learning for reading and Math

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Complete week 18 assessment in math and read about the quest for reading. Math- finding fractions on number line. posters for your spirit day!!!! compass learning and xtra math!!

Monday, January 27, 2014


No school tomorrow due to the sever cold weather. Students make sure you complete your state brochure neatly onto a construction paper with pictures. A response letter and complete two sheets from the morning folder- reading and math. Utilize this time to do compass learning. Make sure you log off after you finish as it will not show accurately the number of minutes done. Six flags reading sheet is due when you come back, so please bring in those sheets too!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


We just finished ALL our asssesments for secondquarter-ACCESS, Benhmark reading and Math, MAP NWEA reading and Math. That was a lottttt!!!!!!! Hence no homework was given as our students were exhausted. They may go on studyjams science and compass learning

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Read Gettyysburg Address and complete the answers. Cite evidence to support your answers Math: order of operations and day 16 day 3 and 4

I have shared their MAp scores with the students and had a conference with them explaining what they need to do to attain their goal and for that went above their goal what they can do to further enhance their learning skills. Please talk with your child and ask him/her to explain their data and sign and return it back to me.
if you need a copy please email me or let your child know I shall make one and send it back to you.

 મેહેરબાન  વાલીઓ

આ મેપ(NWEA) ટેસ્ટ નું પરિણામ છે.મેં તમારા છોકરાઓ જોડે કોન્ફરન્સ કરી છે।  તેમને ત્રીજા ધોરણ નું પરિણામ એટલે જે મેં મહિનામાં 2013 માં લીધું હતું તે  મેં બતાવ્યું  અને હમણાં લીધું થે પણ આ ગ્રાફ માં  બતાવ્યું છે.
આ વર્ષ ના  અંત માં કેટલુ લવાનું છે  તે  પણ સમજવામાં  આવ્યું  છે।
હવે તેઓં  મે  મહિનામાં  ફરી  લેશે  તો તમે ધ્યાન  રાખજો  કે  છોકરાઓ દરરોજ  કંપાસ  લર્નિંગ દિવસ માં કમ  સે  કમ 30  મિનિટ માટે  દરરોજ પ્રક્ટેસ કરે।
આના સિવાય મારા બ્લોગમાં-  "ઇન્ટેગ્ર્તિદ્દ લિંક "માં  પણ  ઘણી  બધા પ્રક્ટેસ કરવા  માટે નું સાય્ટ  મુકી  છે , તો  તમારા  બાળકને  આવશ્ય  કરાવજો।
દરોજ  કરવાથી તમારા  બાળકને ક્લાસ માં  જે  ભણાવ્યું  તેની  તેમને રીવ્યુ મળશે। છતાં  પણ ના  આવડે  તો  સવારે  ક્લાસ માં વેહલા  આવી  શખે છે

ક્લાસ માં ધ્યાન અને  દરરોજ  કંપાસ  લર્નિંગ  કરવા થી તમારા   બાળક  જરૂર  સફળથા  મેળવશે
 સફળથા એજ  આપડું  ધ્યેય  છે !!!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Reading; Read Laura Ingals Wild Math-week 16 assessment center work Storytown L-18 read and make your inferences

Monday, January 13, 2014


Read all about sandy's aftermath and take notes on it. Read the information on rattlesnakes and answer question pertaining to it.Underline and cite evidence Math- week 15 assessments. show your work

Friday, January 10, 2014


Read all about the longhouse from the magazine and the articles that Ms. Bijal gave you,compile them and write an infomrational essay about what you have read from all the different sources. Math: Week 15 Writing; Write a response letter to your firend about what you have read in this weeek using inference. (three paragraphs) Xtramath and compass learning.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Reading: Complete the morning activities- Martian madness and week 14 and 14 assessment Math Complete your math and reading center work S.S Read all about hurricanes and take notes Students need to finish multiplication by January 22, 2013

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Reading: The treasure and forecasting weather. Read and answer questions. Show me evidence of how you found your answer. Math: Week 14 and math centers if incomplete. S. Studies- Read and take notes of "Other tribes of Illinois. As discussed and modeled in the class. Read the article and write only the important details/facts Glad to have you back safe and sound!